Lynchburg Letter: W. H. Loyd to Pete E. Moore
April 23, 1927
Part of a series of exchanges with Mr. Moore, Mr. Loyd enlists his aid in selling the plant; summarizes possible ware that could be produced at the plant, projects sales, and describes some of the equipment. Original document was scanned by Dennis Bratcher and converted to text. A scan of W. H. Loyd's copy of the original letter is below.
1045 Mt. Pleasant St.
April 23, 1927.
My dear Moore:
Your letter of the 20th received and very much appreciated. I have taken your suggestion and written Mr. Miller (Wm.J.Miller of Swissvale I susposed [sic] you meant) and if you can arrange to see him it may be that we can get him interested.
If we can once get this plant to producing on a profitable basis,things will be much less trouble to swing in a financial way and the local men will back the proposition, but they have to be shown that there can be results obtained from this plant.
Now I have suggested to Mr. Miller that the property may be leased for a few years with the privilege [sic] of buying. The first year should not cost us anything but insurance and taxes and keeping up repairs. The green insulator business could be combined with other green pressed lines, such as casters,valt [sic] lights,radio insulators. We have two of those large twelve mold Brookfield presses here and if one could be equiped [sic] for lenses with moulds and takeout device,I do not see why it would not turn out forty two thousand pieces in twenty four hours. It has been run by Brookfield with a better production in from 9 to 20 ounce insulators. This being possible would give a production value on lenses of three thousand dollars per day on one press and if the other were operated on pony insulators, this would give another one thousand five hundred dollars per day.
You have seen these machines. What do you think of this suggestion? This would not be any harm to consider anyway. Then if we could interest Mr. Miller to install his machines on ruby lenses with a small tank, these other lines can be taken up if practical. I don't believe that the fruit jar line is at all practical here and never have thought so.
Feel out Miller or any other parties and let us see if we cannot start this thing. It is a shame not to have a single glass plant in this state operating. These people here are not going to do a thing with it and I am firmly of the opinion that we have a good show. If the former crowd had not thrown the thing away, we would not [sic] have an excelent [sic] business here.
Yours very truly,
[W. H. Loyd]